
Do what makes u happy

Temen temen, gue pengen tau dong kalian itu punya cita cita gak sih ? Hahah pertanyaan bodoh gak sih? tapi serius gue nanya, soalnya gue pernah ngalamin masa dimana gue gatau mau jadi apa, gatau harus fokus kemana, gatau passion gue itu apa. Dulu waktu gue masih di SD, profesi yang gue tau itu cuman sebatas dokter, polisi, tentara, guru,dan astronot. Dari secuil profesi yang gue tau itu gue milih jadi astronot (keren aja gitu namanya) hahah yang gue tau tentang astronot cuman orang yang bisa menembus langit terus ke bulan, bintang dan touring di planet. Waktu itu gue lagi seneng senengnya sama planet. Gue tau setiap nama planet lengkap beserta ciri cirinya, mana yang paling besar, kecil, panas, dingin dll. Gue inget buku pertama yang gue selesain bacanya satu buku full dalam sehari itu tentang planet, dan gue tempelin semua nama dan gambar planet di kamar gue hahaha (serius! Tanya nenek gue deh). Udah segitu aja yang gue tau tentang astronot, gue pengen banget nyobain dateng dan ...

setelah lulus

Pasca 2 mingguan setelah yudisium, gue putuskan buat bawa semua barang barang gue di cimahi alias pindahan dan pulang kampung. Excited ? engga biasa aja, seneng sedikit karena udah sebulan juga gak pulang kerumah dan kumpul lagi. Tapi gue agak khawatir sih pas balik, gue sempet mikirin kalo ketemu temen, tetangga dll. Pasti ditanya sekarang gimana dan udah lulus kemana ? Dan bener aja baru aja sehari balik temen gue bilang “sekarang udah fix balik sini dong, heheh” gua jawab aja “iya sambil senyum minggir”. Dia itu ya suka nganggap gue sebagai rivalnya dari jaman bocah dan kenyataannya gue beter than her, jadi kaya puas gitu waktu gue balik ke rumah. Lah padahal kan enaknya kalo abis yudisium atau sidang pantesnya nanya nilai atau apa ya gtu, kemaren ipk berapa? gimana sidangnya? Lah ini maen bilang pengangguran aja dong sekarang? Lo pikir aja. Lagian gue ga nganggap gue pengangguran kok, orang gue masih nunggu wisuda, dan gue mau manfaatin waktu jeda ini buat heal and refresh ot...

ng blog lagi ah

halo halo... tes tes .. oke semuanya, kali ini aku niatin mau mulai nulis lagi di blog ini. ya meskipun gue gatau ada yang baca atau ngga jangan berharap baca deh liat aja, gue juga gatau ada apa engga. berhubunng gue baru lulus kliah dan sekarang sudah mulai jadi pengacara. gue bingung mau ngapain sekarang. gue gaada aktivitas banget, sedih kaannnnn .... eit, tapi bukan berarti gue anak yang males dan gak mau beursaha buat cari kerja ya. engga kok !! cuman gue masih agak puyeng aja pasca skripsian kemarin . masih traumaotak nie . hahahha ya mungkin gue bakal nulis lagi gaatau nulis apa, doain aja semoga hidup gue berwarna sehingga ada cerita yang bakal gue share hahha oke .. babay apasih hahah 

Kinds of Instructional Media (including the advantages and disadvantages)

Kinds of Instructional Media   Non Projected Media like Photographs, diagrams, displays, and models   Motion Media like Video and DVDs Projected Med ia Filmstrips, overhead transparencies, and computer projection Audio Media Cassettes, CDs, live lectures, broadcast lectures, class discussion, tapes, digital audio, musical instruments, and audio signals.   Computer Mediated Instruction   Computer Based Multimedia and Hypermedia - Networks   Advantages and disadvantages of using instructional Media What are the advantages and disadvantages of using instructional materials .   There are a number of advantages to using institutionally derived or teacher derived materials for a course: Relevance: Materials can be produced that are directly relevant to students’ and institutional needs and that reflect local content, issues, and concerns. Develop expertise: Developing materials can help develop expertise among st...

My Instructional Media

My Instructional Media  In this opportunity, I will post about my instructional media. The name of my media is “Turn the Correct Verb” . This media Objective to student in elementary school, junior high school till Senior high school. Now, I will tell you about the material, tools and procedure using the media. let’s check it out. The Question for Students

The Role of Media in the Instructional

The Role of Media in the Instructional Media can serve many roles in the instructional process.Understanding the purpose of media, effective planning of instruction, and systematic evaluation of media will enable the teachers to make a careful selection of media to use for instruction.  A media format is the physical form in which a message is incorporated and displayed.  Media formats include, flip charts, slides, audio, video, and computer multimedia.  Each has different strengths and limitations in terms of the types of messages that can be recorded and displayed. The purpose of the media selection process is to determine the best media for a given instructional situation.  To determine the most appropriate media for their needs, instructors must evaluate the objectives, the content, and the learner.  Many instructional programs may be combinations of the methods of communicating messages to learners. Since, media is only a distribution syste...

Instructional Media

Instructional Media Instructional media includes all the materials and substantial resources that an educator might use to implement instruction and facilitate students achievement of instructional objectives. This may include traditional materials such as chalkboards, Printed material (handouts, books, worksheets), display boards, charts, slides, overheads, real objects, and videotape or film, as well newer materials and methods such as computers, real objects or models, DVDs, CD-ROMs, interactive whiteboard, the Internet, and interactive video conferencing etc. It facilitates learning or increase understanding of material and enhances comprehension of the learners. In general, you should use media whenever, in your best judgment, it can facilitate learning or increase understanding of your material. Of course, communicating to facilitate learning can be a challenging process, often requiring creative efforts to achieve a variety of implicit in...