Kinds of Instructional Media (including the advantages and disadvantages)

Kinds of Instructional Media  

  1. Non Projected Media like Photographs, diagrams, displays, and models 
  2. Motion Media like Video and DVDs
  3. Projected Media Filmstrips, overhead transparencies, and computer projection
  4. Audio Media Cassettes, CDs, live lectures, broadcast lectures, class discussion, tapes, digital audio, musical instruments, and audio signals. 
  5. Computer Mediated Instruction 
  6. Computer Based Multimedia and Hypermedia - Networks 

Advantages and disadvantages of using instructional Media

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using instructional materials. 
There are a number of advantages to using institutionally derived or teacher derived materials for a course:
  • Relevance: Materials can be produced that are directly relevant to students’ and institutional needs and that reflect local content, issues, and concerns. Develop expertise: Developing materials can help develop expertise among staff, giving them a greater understanding of the characteristics of effective materials.
  • Reputation: Institutionally prepared materials may enhance the reputation of the institution by demonstrating its commitment to providing materials specifically for its students.
  • Flexibility: Materials produced within the institution can be revised or adapted as needed, giving them greater flexibility than a commercial course book.
However there are also potential disadvantages:
  • Cost: Quality materials take time to produce and adequate staff time as well as resources need to be allocated.
  • Quality: Teacher-made materials will not normally have the same standard of design and production as commercial materials and hence may not present the same image as commercial materials.
  • Training: To prepare teachers for materials writing projects, adequate training is necessary. Materials writing is a specialized skill and not all teachers area capable of writing good materials.


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